Mill Street Research provides additional services to meet the unique needs of institutional clients.
Clients interested in objectively constructed, implementable model portfolios can request access to Mill Street’s Model Portfolio Service. The Model Portfolios are based on the MAER and factor-based stock rankings and also incorporate an asset allocation overlay based on our Equity Risk Model. The Model Portfolios are constructed with considerations such as turnover, transactions costs, diversification, and liquidity in mind. Portfolios for almost any equity universe can be constructed on a customized basis.
The service also includes consulting services, which allows for direct access to Sam regarding his knowledge and insight on any specific topics related to the core models. In addition, you can have him customize the models on a proprietary basis based on your own individual preferences or criteria. The models can be customized based on your sector specific interests, growth/value preferences, market cap restrictions, etc.
Sam is available to answer client questions via phone or email, and also does in-person meetings with clients on an as needed basis.