Does Tech reliably lag when yields rise? No
We often hear the narrative that rising long-term bond yields are harmful to valuations of “long duration” Growth stocks, especially the Technology sector that dominates the Growth style. This has been evident in day-to-day swings in the market recently.
While we understand the concept embedded in discounted cash flow models that higher discount rates depress current equity values more when capitalizing earnings that occur further in the future, we have been skeptical that the discount rate effect in most cases is sufficiently large to dominate changes in growth expectations or investor risk tolerances, at least for the Tech sector. In other words, our view has been that an investor’s bigger concerns when evaluating higher-Growth Technology stocks are the future earnings growth rate and the risk involved, not whether Treasury bonds yield 1.5% versus 2%. Changes in growth expectations and investor risk perceptions will typically have much larger effects on stock prices than moderate changes in Treasury yields, especially when interest rates (and real rates in particular) are at such a historically low level.
Analysts raising estimates at a record pace, again
While we have commented on the strength in US earnings estimate revisions activity recently, the latest readings warrant additional comment. Our data now show a new record (20-year+) high in the net proportion of analysts raising earnings estimates for US companies. The latest reading exceeds the recent then-record high seen at the start of this year, as shown in the chart below.